Monday, September 12, 2011


Under certain circumstances does a state have the right to secede from the rest of the nation? Why or why not?

Why was maintenance of the Union so important?

Are civil wars common? Why or Why not?

Why do you think civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare?


  1. I think a state should not have the right to succede from the country. If the state lilke California of New York succeded, we will probably fall into greater economic depression.
    THe maintenance of the union was so inportant because a country should stay together. If a state does succeds, we will probably have another civil war.
    I think that civil wars are common. I think they are common because about 10 countries are havin civil wars now.
    I think civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare. I belive this because people fight for their home and their families.

    Molly M Period 7

  2. I think under certain circumstances a state has the right to secede from the rest of a nation. If that state has already tried compromising and the effects of staying with the rest of the nation were harmful to the citizens then I think that state could secede. Maintenance of the Union is very important though. It is important because the Union is stronger as a whole and would be weaker if a largely populated state seceded. Civil Wars are common. There are probably about eight or nine currently around the world. I think that civil wars are common because not all governments are as stable as the United States government. I think civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare because the people rebelling will almost always keep fighting in whatever form until they win the war.

    Abby LeCates
    Period 7

  3. I believe that under certain circumstances, a state has the right to secede from the nation. I believe that a state should be able to secede if they really disagree with the rest of the nation and its actions, and only after they have tried very hard to make a compromise. Maintenance of the Union is important to maintain our countries strength. A house divided cannot stand. Yes, civil wars are common because, in many countries, the government system does not work for all the citizens in that country. Then some group of people rebel and that starts a civil war. I think civil wars are the most brutal from of warfare because they literally rip a country apart. The country cannot unite against one common enemy, because the common enemy is the rest of the country.
    Olivia Baker
    Period 7

  4. Under certain circumstances I do not think a state has the right to secede from the rest of the nation. I don’t think a state should be able to do this because the state is part of the National Government. When it secedes it throws the whole government system off and causes upset across the country.

    The maintenance of the Union was so important because our country depended on the Union. The maintenance of the Union allowed our country to be unified by common laws and beliefs. If we didn’t have the Union, the states probably would have seceded earlier causing unrest and our country would not have been what it is today.

    Civil wars are pretty common through out other parts of the world. I think they are common because most of the time people don’t agree with the decisions that their government makes so they fight back. In the United States civil war is uncommon because we have a democracy which allows people to have a choice or say in government.

    Civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare because civil wars can completely destroy the country fighting itself. Depending on how badly each side wants what it’s fighting for, the worse the war and the outcomes are. During civil wars, many innocent people are killed.

    Caroline Leonard
    Period 6

  5. 1. I think that a state should either not be allowed to secede from a nation, or have to pay money to secede because their country might have paid money for that land to be part of their nation. Their country also defended them for as long as they've been part of their nation and it would be unfair to give all of that up for nothing.
    2. The maintenance of the Union was so important because the union could become very weak easily if they continued to lose people, money, and land due to states seceding. When a state seceded, it also became the Unions enemy, so it was also bad to be gaining so many enemys.
    3. I think that cival wars are common because many people become unsatisfied with their country and disagree with their leaders so they rebel againt their countries and start wars. There are also many good recent examples from within the past few years.
    4. I think that civil wars are the most brutal kind of warfare because the more each side of a country fights, the more they have to fight for. I think that everything in a civil war just leads to more fighting.

    Katlyn Palmatier Period 6

  6. Well, I think, if a states wants to secede, that means it's pretty much rebelling, so it wouldn't really need the right. Keeping the Union together was very important for moral and it ensured a high amount of manpower. I think civil wars are common in countries that are oppressed, and they are so brutal because both sides have strong causes for starting the war
    Sean Mebust, Period 7

  7. #1: A state does not have the right to secede from the union because the country has to make the choice because there are part of the country.
    #2: The mantaince in the union is important because the needed more people to keep the union together.

  8. Yes civil wars are comon because they are happening right this secound. No the state do not have the right to leave the US becaues they would be leaving the people to no help. Maintenance is so important in the US is because instead of our nation being unoragized to being oragized. Civil wars are brutal because people die in the middle of serving out nation and also that means that our world is getting hurt every second someone is out there serving ournstion and they get killed.

    Victoria C
    per 7

  9. Under Certain circumstances I believe that a state does not have the right to secede from the rest of the nation. I believe this because all the states signed the Constitution. By signing the Constitution they agreed that they would be part of the nation. The maintenance of the Union so important because if one of the border states decided that they wanted to join the Confederacy, such as Maryland the Union would pretty much lose their capital, Washington, D.C. I believe that civil wars are common because they are happening all over the world today. I think that civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare because it was fighting against each other, and families were also divided. It was very brutal.

    Liz Millea
    Period 7

  10. I think that a state has the right to secede from the rest of the nation under some cirumstances because a problem might a co me up where they have to leave the nation s othey dont get tie up in something bad.

    The maintenance of the Union was so important because if ot the Union would split apart and join the confederacy.

    Civil wars are common because many problems come up inside of countries.

    I think civil wars are the most brutal types of warfare because it sclose to homes and it splits families apart.

    August Syegman

  11. E.Smith
    I do not think that a state that is part of a union should be able to separate from a union because it could cause battles and it could cause other states to fallow in the state who left.I also think it is a vary importain thing to maintain a union because it could cause another civil war or extinction if a union. A civil war is commen because the human population dissagres with a commen government there fo the act out with war. I think a civil war is brutal because it's a population attacking another population when the live or once lived in the same union

  12. No, i believe that a state should not be able to leave the union after it has already taken part in political acts.
    yes, civil wars are common because of disagreement in the country.
    I think that civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare because the people are fighing amongst them selfs do to speak.
    Demi Card
    peroid 6

  13. I belive that if the state has a good reason to secede from the rest of the nation and it is such a big issue they think they need to secede from the rest of the nation then they should be able to. The maintenance of the Union is so important because if they did not control the Union, chaos would break loose. Civil wars are common because there are so many issues about so many thing and my opion is that people make big deals over it and there is no reason. I think civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare because so many tradagies have happened and so many devastions have happend. So many people have been hurt.

    Alex Janitz

  14. I don't think a state has the right to secede because they joined the Union and trusted it for so many years before. The maintenance of the Union is important because the more our counntry split the weaker and more vulnerable we were. Yes civil wars are common, they are very common in Asian counrtries that are ruled by the army. I think that civil wars are thhe most brutal wars because the winner loses too!
    Noah Hecox Period 6

  15. A state doesn't have the right to secede from the rest of the nation because they made a commitment to join the nation. Maitenance of the Union was important because if the country is bigger, they could accomplish more. Civil wars are common. There are about ten going on in the world right now. Civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare becuase people within there own nation are fighting each other. People in each nation are supposed to stick together and support each other. Wars between countries are less brutal becuase each nation sticks together and agrees with each other.

    Lauren L. Period 6

  16. I do not think a state should be able to secede from the rest of the country. If even the smallest state secedes the rest of the country could break out in war and it will fall apart. Maintenance of the Union was important because if the Union fell apart the whole country would be in shambles. Civil wars seem to be happening mor often. In a lot of countries there have a group of people that don't like their government so they rebel and war breaks out. Civil wars are very brutal, not just physically but emotionaly to the whole nation. The whole country would be in a state of panic, not knowing where the next battle would break out.
    Sean Miller

  17. I think that a state does have the right to secede from the rest of the nation because it is an individual state. Although it is part of the national government it is still an individual state, and has its own rights and if that state feels like it is being treated unfairly it should be able to secede. Maintenance of the Union was so important because once if it started to fall apart completely then it might be almost impossible to put back together. Civil wars are common because often the citizens feel like the government system are not right and fair, so they want to change it. Many countries have civil wars and some have more than one. I think that civil wars are the most brutal form of warefare because people are fighting other citizens to try to prove a point of their believes.

    Caroline Gozigian
    Period 6

  18. I do not believe that a state has the right to leave the union at all because technically all the states are just sections of the country and parts of countries can't break away from countries

    The maintenance of the union was important because the North and South relied on each other.

    Civil wars are not very common because usually they only happen because there is a major argument within the country.

    Civil wars are indeed the most brutal of wars because you never know were the fights are going to be and you feel insecure even in your own home.

    by Hunter D period 7

  19. I don't think that the states have the right to secede because doing that is kind of like throwing a temper tantrum, because they didn't get what they wanted. The maintenance of the Union was important because of the resources that every part of the nation has and the North and South worked together well with trade. The Union was also stronger together. Civil wars are common because if most of the people in the nation don’t like what the government is doing and believes strongly in stoping it they will rise up. Civil wars are most brutal because both sides believe strongly in what they are doing to fight against their own country or people and everywhere could possible be a battle field.
    Ciara M. 7

  20. Sometimes not because they are ruled by the nation, but if state rights are being threatened then yes. Maintenance of the union was important because the government could fall apart. Civil wars are common because there are people with opinions. Those people won`t like it then rebel. Civil wars are brutal because the government can fall apart and the citizen can be harmed.

    Connor fay period.7

  21. Ithink that states don't have the right to leave the nation because the states now have alot of power within the state already and still contributes in Congress. Maintenance of the Union was very important because in 1860 if the border states like Maryland had left the Union the North probably would have lost the Civil war resulting in having two different countries instead of one United States. Civil wars are common in all of the contenents exept for Antarctica. There are even civil wars happening right now. Famous civil wars are like the 100 year war with England and France, and also the civil wars with the Koreas. Civil wars are the most brutal of wars around the world. I think this because they take up alot of time, like the 100 year war, and it sheds more blood than other wars like our Civil War.
    Scott Curtis Per. 6

  22. No, I don't think a state has the right to secede from the rest of the nation because they are part of the nation. They were created as part of the nation and I think they should stay that way and try and work differences out.

    Maintenance of the union was so important because they had to make sure things were ok so they could stay together.

    Yes civil wars are common because there are many different opinions within one country about the economy and the government and many more things.

    I think civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare because people in the same country are fighting against each other.

    Olivia L. per.7

  23. They do have the right to succeed but it wouldn't be smart because of retaliation, not only that but it would affect the economy.\ Maintenance was important for the union because without it the north would of lost the civil war. \I believe that civil wars are not common at all because our country fights as a team not against each other.\ I think that Civil wars are the most brutal wars because since at one time they work as a team and are in the same country so they know what type of weapons they need to use to beat the other person or what strategies they need to know which can cause a lot of tension and death.
    Grade 8th
    Per 7

  24. Under extreme condition I believe a state does have the right to secede from the rest of a nation because it is a democracy and if the people feel the need to secede from the nation they may. The maintenance of the Union is so important because with less states the weaker the Union is. Civil wars are very common, there are many happening even today. Civil wars are the most brutal warfare because they are fought in there own nation and each sides are very driven.

    Philip Wasson

  25. Margie Knight per.6
    blog 9/18/11

    Under certain circumstances a state does have the right to secede from the rest of the nation. I think this because each state has their own opinion and beliefs, and should be able to leave if they feel it's necessary, and have tried to settle the disagreement peacefully. Maintenance of the Union was so important because otherwise if all the states left, then there would be no Union left, or it would be very weak. Yes, civil wars are common because people within countries often disagree about important issues, and end-up having a war because of the disagreement. I think civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare because many people die against their own country. Countries also shouldn't have a war because they disagree on certain things, they should talk about it, and settle it peacefully.

  26. I dont think a state has the right to secede because it is the United States of America. United means we stay togerther. But maybe under some circomstances they could but only after they try to compromise. Also the economy would fall. The maintenance of the union is important because we will get along and work tother. Also if the union is bigger and we will be stronger. I think civil wars are common are common right now because a lot is going on right now with the government in different countries where people dont agree. I dont think civil wars are the most brutal form of war fare because it is the contry against its self so they dont want to tottaly destoy their contry but since it is their contry they know the land and will fight as hard as they can for their belifs.

    Maya W. per.7

  27. Under certain circumstances a state does have the right to secede from the rest of the nation. Only if there is something very serious, and the problem can not be worked out any other way. I don't think at all that a state should be able to randomly secede from the rest of the nation though. I think the nation needs to stay together as best as possible.
    Maintenance of the Union was so important because we didn't want the Union to fall apart. The Union is stronger as a whole.
    Civil wars are more common then they used to be. Right now we are fighting two civil wars maybe more. I think Civil wars are getting more common because higher offices aren't making great choices but if the higher offices could improve what there doing, there would be less civil wars.
    I don't think civil wars are the most brutal form or warfare, but I do know they can be dangerous and kill many people. I'm not sure what I would say is the most brutal form or warfare, but I don't think civil wars are it.

    Kimberly Gertz period 7

  28. I do believe that under certain circumstances a state does have the right to secede from the rest of the nation but only as a last resort. I believe a state should try and compromise before doing so. I also believe that if a state feels that its ethics are compromised it should not have to abide by the governments laws.

    Maintenance of the union was important because together a country would be stronger than if a country were separated.

    Civil wars are common because within a given country there are often many different views upon how a country should be run.

    Civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare because they tear apart nationalism and the country as a whole.

    Colin Wilcox per.7

  29. I believe that a state does not have the right to secede from the rest of the Union. I think that they should not be able to leave becasue they have already voted and been involved in the states desisions. The maintenance of the Union is important becasue if the South separted from the North there would be a lot more wars fought through are country. Civil Wars are common because everybody has a diferent oppinion. Some people will fight for there oppinion and that is how a a lot of the Civil Wars start. I believe that Civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare becasue people will fight for there oppionion and some will even die for there oppionion and it is an oppionion and nobody will be able to change the peoples oppionion.

    Jennifer Flynn
    Period 6

  30. I think the states do not have the right to secede beause the government relys on the states.
    The maintenance of the Union was important because if the Union did not maitain the states the states would have seceded to the Confederacy and the Union would not have many states. One important state was Maryland because it was close to the Unions and the Confederates capital.
    Civil wars are common because through out the world may civil wars are happening right now. (Ex. Iraq, Afganistan, etc.)
    I think civil wars are brutal because people in the same country fighting in mass hystria.

    Joseph Peterson
    Per. 6

  31. No. In my opinion a state doesn't have a right to secede from the nation, because we have a whole economy that depends on every individual states input. Without one of the states our whole country could ultimately fall apart.

    Maintenance in my point of view was needed because with the Union in two our country became weaker, and a weaker country is the last thing anybody wants. Without one whole country most systems we had worked out, our economy, and just about everything else would ultimately fail.

    Yes, I think Civil Wars are most definitely common, and I think that is mainly because governments can never please everyone, but in a lot of places Governments choose not to please anyone, but "themselves" if you will, and eventually people get sick of putting up with it, and they turn against their own country, much like what happened in Libya.

    I think civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare because it always "hits home" literally. No matter what, it's your country being attacked, and it's your economy being affected, and most importantly it's your country being split in two which will most definitely make it weaker no matter how you look at it. Also, the fighting is more brutal because you know that it could be your family attacked next, your house, your town, and most people just want to fight hard to protect those things, and try to get the whole ordeal over with. At least that's my interoperation of why they are so brutal.

    Mallory Arthurs Period 7
    (this may be the second time you get this, I'm not sure if it went through the first time because my internet failed)

  32. A state should have the rite to secede from a nation becaus eif they think some laws are unfair or unjust they should be able to break away. Maintenance of the union was so important because if we dont a have a large nation then we wont have a very large army. yes, civil wars are sommon because there are 10 going on right now. Civil wars are the most brutal form of warfare because they impace some people physicaly and matally. jillian per.7

  33. #1: A state does not have the right to secede from the union because the country has to make the choice because there are part of the country.
    #2: The mantaince in the union is important because the needed more people to keep the union together.
    #3 Civil wars are common on some ocasions
